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International Conference on Neurological disorder and Neuroimmunology

Montreal, Canada

Mutlaq AlSubaie

King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Saudi Arabia

Title: A case of shrinkage lung syndrome as a first presentation of SLE


Biography: Mutlaq AlSubaie


Shrinking lung syndrome (SLS) is a rare manifestation of the respiratory system associated with autoimmune diseases, and it is characterized by reduction in the lung volume, elevation of the diaphragm, restrictive pattern on pulmonary function test (PFT) with no parenchymal involvement. The pathogenesis of SLS remains unknown, a number of hypotheses suggested a diaphragmatic weakness due to phrenic nerve neuropathy, pain induced diaphragmatic inhibition and dysfunction of the diaphragm due to steroid therapy. Systemic steroids are considered as a first line treatment, immunosuppressive agents can be used. Rituximab showed successful improvement after a failure of systemic steroid therapy.SLS is even rarer as a first presentation of a connective tissue disease. Our patient referred from a local hospital to investigate an unresolved pneumonia, the patient had a positive history of joint pain and photosensitive skin rash mainly in her face, and after the lab work a diagnosis of SLE and SLS has been made.